Book Review: The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon


The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon (The Bone Season #1) / 1/2☆☆☆

Summary: Paige Mahoney is clairvoyant in 2059 London, where it is illegal to be clairvoyant. When she is kidnapped by unearthly beings and taken to their prison in Oxford, she begins to realize exactly who it is that rules her world, and that she needs to figure out a way to escape.

There was no normal. There never had been. “Normal” and “natural” were the biggest lies we’d ever created.

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Book Review: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas


Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas (Throne of Glass #1) / My rating: ★ 1/2 ☆☆☆

One sentence summary: Celaena Sardothian, alleged world class assassin, attracts the attentions of the Prince of Adarlan and his Royal Captain of the Guard while competing to be the King of Adarlan’s Champion assassin and solving a murder mystery.

“As my friend, you should either bring me along, or keep me company.”

“Friend?” he asked.

She blushed. “Well, ‘scowling escort’ is a better description. Or ‘reluctant acquaintance’, if you prefer.”

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