The Unique Blogger Award

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I was tagged for the Unique Blogger Award by J.W. Martin– thank you!! I suggest you give him a follow if you haven’t, he’s very witty and has great opinions on books!

The Rules:

  • Share the link of the blogger who has shown love to you by nominating you
  • Answer the questions
  • In the spirit of sharing love and solidarity with our blogging family, nominate 8-13 people for the same award
  • Ask them 3 questions

If you had to blog about another topic, what it be?

Hmmm books are really one of the only things that I’m interested in enough to talk about forever that’ll never bore me, but if I’m ~mood blogging~ I’d say right now I’d blog about the k-pop band BTS. Because they’re my current obsession, so. I had a One Direction blog once a few years ago….it’s dead now, but it was fun while it lasted. Other than boybands, maybe photography or writing? I do love scrolling through picture blogs, looking at nice photos and learning tips…but I’m more of a consumer of photography blogs than a creator. Could be cool to give a shot, though.

If you can have anyone (living or dead) provide you with a guest blog post, who would you choose?

Uhhh BTS because I’m out of control. BUT also, I find that interview questions for boybands – or any pop band – tend to be focused on questions like, “who is your ideal type of person to date,” “which one of you is the messiest” etc, and I’M TIRED OF IT. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love personality questions, but I get tired when a band is full of people in their 20s and they still get asked the cringe-worthy ones. I’d ask them about their music because I crave these hard-to-find answers. And because this is a book blog, I’d ask them about their favorite books, of course.

Anyway I love pop music bye.

You get one superpower. What will it be?

Invisibility. I could sneak onto airplanes, into the movies, into concerts, amusement parks, I could just walk around wherever I like whenever I like with fear of no one and nothing. I understand that I sound like a sneaky criminal, but if I saw someone in trouble maybe I’d defeat their attacker invisibly and be all spooky about it, like when in the third Harry Potter movie when Harry was under his invisibility cloak threw all those snowballs at Malfoy when he was bugging Ron and Hermione. Yeah.

My questions-

What is the lock screen and home screen on your phone? (I’m just curious)

What’s something you were really into/obsessed with when you were a kid?

What was the best birthday you’ve had?

Gonna go a little tag-wild here:












And anyone that likes my questions!

31 thoughts on “The Unique Blogger Award

    • Lol yes!! Jimin is also my bias!! His voice is like that of an angel, lol. V is a close second! Suga is my hyung bias though….but I’ll find an excuse to bias any of them for anything, lol. But Jimin!! What are your favorite songs??

      Liked by 1 person

      • Well all songs actually! But if I have to choose just one? Blood, Sweat and Tears. The first part if the song gives me chills and I get so emotional and excited ❤ I love all of them I just feel the most kinship with Jimin 😄

        Liked by 1 person

      • Blood Sweat and Tears was the first song I heard by them, and I was hooked right from the beginning…I know what you mean about the first part, Jimin’s voice is so amazing?? I got such a serious and dramatic first impression from him by watching that video, but then I discovered he’s such a goofball, lol.


  1. Hello Steph! Congrats on getting this award!
    Invisibility would be a fun superpower. It’d be awesome to have the ability to come and go anywhere without being seen 🙂 My go-to superpower would be teleportation! Travelling to China or Europe in a flash! Or even getting to work in a second (more time to sleep in haha!)


  2. Pingback: Two Tags for the Price of One | Callum McLaughlin

  3. I so feel you on the BTS bit wow I fell down the kpop hole so hard back when it first happened :’) it feels like so long ago! Do you stan any other bands? Haha and what about biases? 🤔

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol I know right!! I’m still in BTS mode and am not quite ready to move on to other bands yet, but I’ve listened to some of EXO and Seventeen, as well as Twice- but haven’t gotten into them on a more personal level yet. Do you have other bands you’d recommend? But as for BTS my bias is Jimin! I think either Suga or V are my second….but I love all of them, there isn’t any who aren’t a bias wrecker at some point or another. What about you??

      Liked by 1 person

      • As far as recommendations go, my bias groups are Seventeen & Red Velvet so definitely check my babes out:))) Other than that I have been loving Sunmi’s stuff lately and iKON’s Love Scenario has blown my mind honestly. EXO came out with some really good music too lately:))
        As far as BTS biases go, Taehyung’s my bias and my wreckers are Jungkook and Yoongi :))

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’ve heard a lot about Red Velvet but I don’t think I’ve heard any of their songs, so I’m definitely going to check them out soon! And I love that band name. I’m excited that there is still so much for me to discover!! Omg Jungkook is such a wrecker…he’s so sweet yet so savage sometimes, lol. Taehyung always melts my heart though.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Of course! There’s always kpop to discover haha!:)) If you want some Red Velvet recs, they recently came out with Bad Boy which will forever be a bop I freaking adore it?? And other than that some staples in their discography are Red Flavour, Happiness, Dumb Dumb, Peek A Boo, Ice Cream Cake, Russian Roulette etc. There are a ton! And yes oh god I relate on the Tae an Kook things haha.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: The Unique Blogger Award – pace, amore, libri

  5. Congratulations, Steph!! and thank you so much for thinking of me!!
    Wow, you have great answers there – I totally enjoyed reading your answers and made me think what my answers would be – congrats once again, great post!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: AWARD: The Unique Blogger Award #4 & 400 Followers!! – Diary of a Bookfiend

  7. Pingback: The Unique Blogger Award #2

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